Moving from Art to the tangible

Passer de l'Art au tangible

The Secrets Behind the Collections

With our partner textile designer, we work as a duo on the creative process.  It starts with a search for atmosphere, graphic codes and above all, desires!  We are particularly influenced by the design and art of the mid-20th century (modernist period) as well as by contemporary trends.

We then begin the graphic creation part, and look together for the most suitable mediums. This can be paint, stencil, or even cut paper medium. We try, adjust, discuss a lot (too much) to arrive at the most relevant result.

The exercise is sometimes fluid, sometimes tedious. To choose is to renounce ..

The pattern placed is our core know-how.

We are proud to be one of the very rare furniture players to practice it. An obviously much more complex process but which allows us to bring strong and inspired pieces into your interiors. 

It involves constantly projecting yourself mentally between 3D and 2D, and adjusting the potential connections of the finished product to the millimeter ready. It is a process that is both manual and digital, between ancestral know-how and technology. 

It’s a process that we gradually improve and reinvent, with misses and nice surprises. It has the merit of offering us an infinite field of possibilities, a new territory of expression, a new way of thinking about our homes, 

Farewell to the sad and plain gray.
Hello color and good mood!
