Babelbrun_ish: a curation account signed Babel Brune

Babelbrun_ish : un compte de curation signé Babel Brune

At Babel Brune it is everyday poetry that inspires us, but not only that.


In our creative process, more than 50% of the time is allocated to creative monitoring: no area goes unnoticed. It's a pleasure to get lost on the web in exhibitions or at trade shows and discover artists, designers, architects, etc. from all over the world. This is how we came up with the idea of ​​selecting some of our inspirations to share with you.


Every day, at midday, one or more images that inspire us, from here or elsewhere are published on our Instagram account @babelbrun_ish



 We like to organize our feed according to a color palette taken from an inspiration image.



 Of course the authors of these images are cited. Thus, you will be able to discover many artists, designers, architects, etc. but also you will be able to better understand our universe and the influences that drive us.



We hope you enjoy this new curated content and inspire you to create!
Valentine, Designer textile chez Babel Brune

